We’re growing our girl gang!
Baby Girl #2, Miriam Grace, is coming late October!
Yes, you heard that right- our not-even-8-month-old has been promoted to big sister! We are 13 weeks this week and depending on when little Miriam comes, she and Lydia will be 13 to 14 months apart. Alvin and his brother are actually 13 months apart, and they grew up as best friends. Our hope is that our girls will be the same. I know I for one loveeed having a sister!
I’ve been feeling pretty great, as far as first trimesters go. My biggest first trimester symptom with both girls has been intense fatigue. With Lydia that lifted around 14 weeks, so I’m hoping for some relief soon so I can start using her nap times as work times (instead of my nap times too) again!
Miriam means “beloved.” Miriam was one of the first women leaders depicted in the Bible. She helped save and protect her brother Moses as a baby, and lead all of Israel in praising God after they crossed the Red Sea.
Thank you all for all the love and celebration you’ve already given us as we announced Miriam last week. We are so excited to fully embrace #girldad and #girlmom life with these two little beauties! This next chapter of The Lin Family will be a busy one, I’m sure, but we know that bringing another little life in will only multiply our joy.