You heard that right…
Baby Lin is coming early September!
We could not possibly be more excited that all our half-Asian baby dreams are coming true! This little one is already so loved and has been such a joy to us and a beautiful gift to start 2020 off with!
There are so many special things about being pregnant now…my sister is pregnant too so our babies are going to grow up together! My mom is an ultrasound nurse so we’ve been spoiled to see our baby almost every other week and watch them grow, and the ultrasound pictures in this post are ones she took right after we got back from our Taiwan trip! Alvin’s parents and family (especially his dad) have been asking for a grandbaby for a while now, so it was extra special to share with them!
You might be wondering, “What does this mean for your photography business?” My last wedding before baby will be August 1st, and my first wedding after baby will be November 7th! So I’m taking September-October off from weddings but then I’ll be back! 🙂 The timing is a little tricky, since fall is a busy time for weddings, and there is some loss of income in turning them down, but we’re trusting the Lord to be our provider in all things! All that to say, if you have friends getting married late 2020/early 2021 (November, December, January and February) I would be so blessed if you’d send them my way!
We have a fun gender reveal planned for our families the first weekend of March, and then we’ll share with you all whether baby is a boy or girl! There are so many exciting little markers in this season, I can’t wait to share with you all!
Thank you in advance for your love and joy in celebrating with us!