Lin Life Update:
As many of you know, Alvin will graduate in May with his Masters of Divinity from Covenant Theological Seminary. We’ve been on the job hunt all spring, and have finally found the perfect match!
We’ll be moving to Chesapeake, Virginia for Alvin to start work on July 1st as the Youth Director (soon to be Youth Pastor) for Grace Presbyterian Church of Chesapeake. We went to visit a few weekends ago and fell in love. Grace is a church plant that meets in Tidewater Community College and has been dubbed by many as “the kindest congregation.” That sounded cliche to us, but between one family’s offer to let us stay in their home for a whole month if we need it this summer, another family sending us a card in the mail this past week, offers to go house-hunting for and with us, and an overwhelming welcome in church on Sunday, we can see why they’ve earned that title! We feel super blessed to be offered a call here. Alvin will be launching the youth group for the church for middle and high schoolers so we anticipate a busy summer ahead!
What does this mean for Sarah Lin Photography? Well St. Louis friends, I’m available till June 15th for portrait sessions! Let’s set something up soon! And Virginia friends? I’ll need your help to get Sarah Lin Photography up and running after several years away! Got a friend who’s newly engaged, coming up on an anniversary, or just wanting photos with their love? Send them my way! I’ll be open for business July 1st and cannot wait to reconnect with so many of you and document your love stories!
Of course we’re sad to see our time in St. Louis come to an end, but we’re confident and excited about where the Lord is leading! Thank you thank you thank you to the many who have been praying alongside us to get us here! We are looking forward to this new season and the opportunity to be closer to so many friends and family.
Shoutout to my sister for these sweet portraits of me and my man! Thanks Abby!
We are blessed to have the both of you at Grace Presbyterian
I can’t believe I won’t have you around next semester but I’m so excited for this new chapter of yours!