Meg & Dan | Christopher Newport University Anniversary Session | Newport News Wedding Photographer

Meet my parents!

I am so delighted to share these images with you all!  I gifted this session to my parents for Christmas last year, and we finally made it happen just before Thanksgiving last week.  I know sometimes it takes a little extra prodding to get a date on the calendar and find the perfect outfit, but once they got here they were both excited and giddy! 

My parents have been married 27 years.  They have faithfully loved each other through health problems, job transitions, caring for aging parents, and raising 3 kids.  They love the Lord and they love each other.  They are a beautiful example to me in my marriage and in life, and I am proud to call them my parents.

As we walked around CNU together, I had them retell me how they first met and fell in love.  Ya’ll, they have a great story.  My mom’s best friend told her she needed to meet this cute boy on the church softball team and arranged a double date for them after the game.  My dad missed the memo about the date though, and didn’t bring a change of clothes.  So he was stuck with what he had in his trunk: a black “Bad to the Bone” tshirt and bright orange striped shorts!  Tacky outfit and all, mom gave him a pass and another double date later, they were talking on the phone everyday and sharing Peanut Buster Parfaits from Dairy Queen after work every week.  And as they say, the rest is history!

I’m so grateful they met and fell in love and I’m so grateful I got the chance to capture the sweetness, tenderness, and playfulness of their love in this anniversary session!  Enjoy my favorites from this perfect fall day at CNU!


1 thought on “Meg & Dan | Christopher Newport University Anniversary Session | Newport News Wedding Photographer”

  • Sarah,
    I have the great privilege of knowing both your parents. From your mom’s subtle humor and passion for her family to your dad’s calm demeanor when things are stressful on the lacrosse field and our shared interest in hummingbirds. Their shared faith, commitment to their children and extended family and zest for life is indeed praiseworthy!
    Great pics! I see their personalities shining through!

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