Our baby girl turned 1 the first week of September and I wanted to blog photos from her birthday and her birthday week, so I have a place to return for these fun memories and so you can see the joy she brings!
On Lydia’s birthday morning we woke her up with tickles, brought her into our room and gave her her special present from mom and dad- her first baby doll. Her expression as she pulled it out of the bag was just the cutest- a full-dimple smile of excitement over her baby! Alvin’s family was staying with us at the house and gave her presents too- books and lucky Chinese money. She went straight for the red envelope the money was in, which had us all laughing.
Later in the afternoon we hosted a backyard party for family and friends and did her little cake smash. We weren’t sure how she would react to everyone singing and all eyes on her. When we sang “Happy Birthday” she just sat and stared. We gave her her cake and she taste tested the frosting a little but didn’t seem super interested. Then she sat there for 5 or so minutes and ‘sang’ back to everyone- babbling in a little sing-song voice- it was the most precious thing ever! I’ve never seen that kind of reaction to a cake smash before, and it is the sweetest memory now! All day she was in such a good mood, so happy to be with everyone.
The last few photos are just more memories from her birthday week- some sweet portraits of her in the sunshine in our room, with her baby, and then doing something Alvin had planned for a while: choosing her starter Pokemon. I know very little about Pokemon, but Alvin lined up the top characters and I documented who she crawled towards. She chose Snorlax, which was pretty cute.
We are so grateful for the last year. It has truly been filled with joy thanks to this little girl. She is our sunshine on dark days, the one who keeps us on our toes, who makes meal times more messy but also way more fun, our fruit-loving, dimple-faced angel baby. Lydia Joy, we love you! Happy 1st Birthday dear girl!
Enjoy my favorites from Lydia’s birthday week!