Nia Bridal Session | Mt. Sidney Wedding Photographer

Taking a deep breath over here because ya’ll, this post has been such a long time coming!  Not just because I’ve been hiding these images for over a month waiting for Nia and Nathan’s wedding day, but moreso because I have been a sideline cheerleader for their relationship from day one and have waited YEARS for this past Saturday!

Nia is my best friend, the first close girlfriend God gave me in college- and a direct answer to prayer.  At different points in our friendship she has been my suitemate, housemate, coleader.  She has seen me at my best (she stood by me last summer in my wedding!) and at my absolute lowest (like, “I’m going to ugly cry on you for hours because I don’t know if I can keep going” kind of low).  She has been a safe place for me to bring joy and pain, and our friendship has been a constant in my life whether she was just on the other side of my bedroom door, or on the other side of the world.  To be her friend is an honor, and to stand beside her on her wedding day was nothing but JOY. 

Words can’t sum up the day but Iโ€™ll try. The rain lifted just as Nia walked down the aisle, and on seeing each other, they both were in tears.  As they said their vows, I couldn’t stop smiling, and when he pulled her in for the kiss the entire wedding party burst into cheers!  After the ceremony, the rain started falling again, but Nia and Nathan didn’t care.  They were all smiles and joy as they held each other for photos.  Every wedding detail was flawless- from the lavender springs tied to each guest’s napkin, to the arbor, chairs, dance floor, etc. that Nia’s dad built for the big day!  And the dance party?  Oh yeah- you know we bridemaids tore it up!  To sum it up:  BEST WEDDING EVER!

I cannot articulate how special it was be apart of this wedding and to capture these images for Nia beforehand.  Nia and Nathan, thank you for including me in these tender moments. I love you both so much and will hold onto these memories for a lifetime!  Enjoy Nia’s bridal portraits and behind the scenes iPhone photos from their wedding!



And now for some iPhone favorites from their wedding day!

Lunch before getting dressed…^I always end up being the nominated selfie-taker of the group ๐Ÿ™‚ The groomsmen loaned us their jackets after the ceremony when it started raining again and we ROCKED them ๐Ÿ™‚Cannot wait to see Karis Marie Photography‘s shots of the day!

^I got to chauffeur the bride and groom to the reception! 

^Nia wore my wedding earrings as her “something borrowed”! 

All in all, this was the most special day.  Love you Nia and Nathan!


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